Frequently Asked Questions
How does AnaemiaScreenâ„¢ work?
When should you use AnaemiaScreenâ„¢?
How accurate is AnaemiaScreenâ„¢?
How to interpret the test if the colour and intensity of the lines are different?
What is the purpose of the line under the mark C on the cassette for?
If I read the result after 15 minutes, will the result still be valid?
What should I do if the test result is positive?
What should I do if the test result is negative?
How does CoeliacScreenâ„¢ work?
When should the test be used?
Is the test result correct?
How to interpret the test if the colour and intensity of the lines are different?
If I read the result after 10 minutes, will the result be reliable?
What should I do if the test result is positive?
What should I do if the test result is negative?
What is lactose intolerance?
What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?
What should I do if I am lactose intolerant?
What is primary lactose intolerance and what are the other types of lactose intolerance?
Is lack of the enzyme lactase the same thing as primary lactose intolerance?
How common is lactose intolerance in the UK?
The prevalence of lactose intolerance varies between countries and between different populations. Why?
Can you become lactose intolerant later in life?
Can you use this test on young children?
Can two parents who are not lactose intolerant have a child who is lactose intolerant?
What information is the test providing?
Why should I test myself?
Are there any risks in connection with taking this test?
How accurate is this test?
Who should take this test?
How is the sample for the test taken?
Where can I find the instructions for how to take the sample?
How is the sample sent to the laboratory?
How do I get my result?
Is everything I need for the test included in the kit?
What kind of answer do I get after completing the test?
How does UlcerScreenâ„¢ work?
When should you use UlcerScreenâ„¢?
How accurate is UlcerScreenâ„¢?
How to interpret the test if the colour and intensity of the lines are different?
What is the purpose of the line under the mark C on the cassette for?
If I read the result after 15 minutes, will the result still be valid?
What should I do if the test result is positive?
What should I do if the test result is negative?
How do my genes affect how susceptible I am to weight gain?
What does the FTO gene tell me?
What does the PPARG gene tell me?
What does the APOA5 gene tell me?
What does the FSBP2 gene tell me?
How accurate is the test?
How is the sample for the test taken?
Where can I find the instructions for how to take the sample?
How is the sample sent to the laboratory?
How do I get my result?
Is everything I need for the test included in the kit?
How quickly will I receive my test result
What Is is meant by 'Muscle Type'?
Why is knowing my Muscle Type useful?
What does the Muscle Type test provide?
How accurate is the test?
Who should take this test?
How is the sample for the test taken?
Where can I find the instructions for how to take the sample?
How is the sample sent to the laboratory?
How do I get my result? How accurate is the test?
Is everything I need for the test included in the kit?

Advantages of self testing
- 99.5% methodological accuracy
- A quick answer
- Analysis in our accredited laboratory
- Completely anonymous
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