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Frequently Asked Questions


How does AnaemiaScreenâ„¢ work?

Ferritin is a protein and the primary form of iron stored inside your body's cells. A positive result means that the ferritin concentration in your blood is lower than 20ng/mL and that you have a possible iron deficiency.
The AnaemiaScreenâ„¢ test should be performed if you have symptoms that include pale complexion, tiredness, headaches, heart palpitations or shortness of breath when exercising, during pregnancy or heavy periods. The test can be used at any time of the day but must not be performed when you have an infection, acute inflammations or in cases of spleen or liver injury. A false positive result could be obtained where there is no iron deficiency in these situations.
The test results are accurate as long as the instructions are followed very carefully. However if the AnaemiaScreenâ„¢ test cassette gets wet before performing the test or if the volume of blood added to the sample well is incorrect, the accuracy of the test can be affected. The pipette provided in the kit is marked to show when the correct volume of blood has been collected. If used correctly studies have shown AnaemiaScreenâ„¢ has an accuracy of over 98% compared to reference methods
The colour and intensity of the test lines are of no importance in the interpretation of the test result. The lines only need to be uniform and clearly visible and a line of any colour intensity by the 'Test' mark should be regarded as negative.
This is a test control and when this line appears it means that the test has performed correctly.
No, the result should be read within 10 minutes of adding the test diluent and is reliable only up to 15 minutes.
If the AnaemiaScreenâ„¢ test result is positive it means that the level of ferritin in your blood is lower than the normal (20ng/mL) and that you should seek medical advice from your doctor who will decide if further investigation should be performed.
If the test result is negative, it means that the level of ferritin in your blood is higher than 20ng/ml and within the normal range. However, as no test is 100% effective we would recommend that you consult your doctor if your symptoms persist.


How does CoeliacScreenâ„¢ work?

CoeliacScreen gives a positive result if you have antibodies (IgA or IgG) to Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) that are associated with coeliac disease. If you have an IgA deficiency, which is more common in coeliac patients than normal, the test is positive if you have only IgG antibodies to tTG. The presence of at least one type of these antibodies indicates that there is a high probability that you have coeliac disease. If the test is negative and neither type of antibody has been detected then coeliac disease can be virtually ruled out.
If you have one or more of the symptoms of coeliac disease including diarrhoea, abdominal bloating, weight loss, skin ailments or signs of malnutrition, taking the CoeliacScreen test for the condition is recommended.
CoeliacScreen has been validated against laboratory tests and has been shown to be very reliable, (96.9% accurate compared to laboratory tests), provided the instructions are followed carefully. The test can only give a false negative result in rare cases, such as when the levels of tTG antibodies are very low. Please note however that the test result can be adversely affected if insufficient blood is used or it is dispensed incorrectly.
The intensity of the coloured test lines are of no importance in the interpretation of the result. The coloured lines only need to be uniform and clearly visible and a red line of any intensity by the 'T' test mark should be regarded as positive.
No, the result should be read within 10 minutes of adding the test diluent and is reliable only up to this time
CoeliacScreen is a screening test for coeliac disease and a positive test result indicates that you have coeliac associated IgA or IgG antibodies. We would recommend that you seek medical advice from your doctor who will conduct further supporting laboratory tests and take into account any symptoms of the condition that you may have before making a definitive diagnosis. Only start a gluten-free diet on the advice of your doctor.
A negative test result indicates that it is very unlikely that you have coeliac disease. However, as no test is 100% effective and it is known that very low antibody levels the test may give a false negative result, we recommend that you consult your doctor if you have worrying gastrointestinal symptoms or the test result is contrary to your expectations.

What is lactose intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is a common problem of the digestive system caused by the lack of the enzyme lactase. The absence of lactase means that lactose (milk sugar) is not digested in the small intestine and it passes intact into the colon. If there is not enough lactase in the small intestine, the lactose cannot be digested and it passes intact into the lower intestine, where it is fermented by bacteria. This can cause abdominal symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, flatulence and diarrhoea. Lactose is found primarily in dairy products, but also as an additive in other food products, such as some chips and powdered products.
Lactose intolerance causes abdominal symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, flatulence and diarrhoea. The symptoms may vary from person to person. Some people tolerate dairy products in small quantities and others not at all.
If you are lactose intolerant, you can control your symptoms by making appropriate changes to your diet. By only eating or drinking dairy products that are within your body’s tolerance levels, or by choosing products with low levels of lactose, the symptoms can be controlled. If you prefer professional help or advice, you can contact your Doctor or a dietician.
There are three types of lactose intolerance. • Primary lactose intolerance is the most common type of lactose intolerance. It is an inherited condition and genetically based. The production of lactase in the body usually starts to decrease at the age of 3 years. The symptoms develop over time and will vary from person to person. This test shows if you have this type of lactose intolerance with an accuracy of 99,5%. • The second type is secondary lactose intolerance. This type can occur as a side effect of other intestinal diseases, such as coeliac disease and is often temporary. • The third type is congenital lactase deficiency, a very rare genetic disorder present at birth.
Primary lactose intolerance is a condition caused by the lack of the enzyme lactase. There is considerable variation between individual’s Lactase levels and this will determine the severity of the symptoms and the person’s tolerance of lactose. In addition, the make up of each person’s gut bacteria also has an impact on the severity of the symptoms. So the two terms ‘primary lactose intolerance’ and ‘primary lack of lactase’ are often used to describe the same thing.
Around 20 % of the UK population is lactose intolerant.
Primary lactose intolerance is an inherited condition that is genetically based. Lactose intolerance was the normal condition in our ancestors, but over time and an extensive Western cultural history of using dairy products successive generations have passed on gene mutations that maintained the lactase activity into adulthood.
Yes. You can have the genetic disposition for primary lactose intolerance, but the age when the symptoms develop will vary from one person to the next.
This is not recommended as young children have normally not yet developed the symptoms of primary lactose intolerance. Since the test shows the genetic disposition for primary lactose intolerance you can use the test on smaller children in order to get information about possible future problems arising from primary lactose intolerance. The symptoms of primary lactose intolerance normally start to show by the early teens, but there are significant individual variations.
The test is a DNA-test showing if you have the genetic trait associated with primary lactose intolerance, which is the most common type of lactose intolerance.
This simple and safe DNA test shows if you have the genetic trait that is associated with primary lactose intolerance. With this test you can find out whether you abdominal symptoms could be due to primary lactose intolerance and that you could control by making appropriate changes to your diet. These could include adjusting your intake of dairy products in line with your body’s tolerance levels, or by choosing products with low levels of lactose.
No, if you follow the simple instructions there is no risk what so ever. You should be aware that stomach problems may be due to a number of reasons, and that even if your test result shows you are primary lactose intolerant, if the problems remain after you adopt a lactose free diet, you should contact your doctor for further advice. Please note that young children very seldom suffer from primary lactose intolerance. Normally primary lactose intolerance only starts to show in the early teenage years, but there are individual variations.
Your sample is analysed in a laboratory and the result is 99,5% accurate.
People with stomach problems that could be due to lactose intolerance, including pain, bloating, flatulence or diarrhoea. As there are genetic differences between ethnic populations this test is best suited to people of European descent.
A simple saliva sample is taken with the special cotton swab provided.
You will find the instructions on the tab surrounding the box. Open the tab on the side of the box on which are printed; “instructions open here”.
Simply remove the parts of the box containing the instructions and the display hook on top of the box by tearing along its perforated edges. To send your sample swab to the laboratory for testing, simply place the box in the addressed Freepost envelope provided and post it to us.
Your test result can be downloaded from the Dynamic Code website ( using the unique code provided in the kit.
Yes. Everything you need to take the test is included in the kit; instructions, swab, a return envelope and a unique code to get your result from the Dynamic Code website.
Your answer will show if you are carrying the genetic trait associated with primary lactose intolerance. If you are lactose intolerant, you can control your symptoms by making appropriate changes to your diet. By only eating or drinking dairy products that are within your body’s tolerance levels, or by choosing products with low levels of lactose, the symptoms can be controlled. If you prefer professional help or advice, you can contact your doctor or a dietician.


How does UlcerScreenâ„¢ work?

When the bacterium H.pylori is present in the gastric epithelium specific antibodies are produced by the immune system. UlcerScreenâ„¢ specifically detects these anti H.pylori antibodies in blood and therefore shows the presence of the bacteria.
The UlcerScreenâ„¢ test should be performed if you have repeated stomach or intestinal pains (stomach ache, acidic, reflux etc.). The test can be performed at anytime of the day.
The test results are accurate as long as the instructions are followed very carefully. However if the UlcerScreenâ„¢ test cassette gets wet before performing the test or if the volume of blood added to the sample well is incorrect, the accuracy of the test can be affected. The pipette provided in the kit is marked to show when the correct volume of blood has been collected. If used correctly studies have shown UlcerScreenâ„¢ has an accuracy of over 90% compared to reference methods.
The colour and intensity of the test lines are of no importance in the interpretation of the result. The lines only need to be uniform and clearly visible and a line of any colour intensity by the 'Test' mark should be regarded as positive.
This is a test control and when this line appears it means that the test has performed correctly.
No, the result should be read within 10 minutes of adding the test diluent and is reliable only up to 15 minutes.
If the UlcerScreenâ„¢ test result is positive it means that anti-H. pylori antibodies are present in blood. We would recommend that you should seek medical advice from your doctor who will decide if further investigation should be performed as the anti-H. pylori antibodies could be due a to previous infection that has already been treated.
If the test result is negative, it means that the test could not detect anti-H. pylori antibodies in blood sample. However, as no test is 100% effective we would recommend that you consult your doctor if your stomach ache, gastric reflux or other worrying symptoms persist.

How do my genes affect how susceptible I am to weight gain?

There is a strong hereditary link with propensity to gain weight as your genes affect both your appetite and the way your body reacts when you eat different types of fats
The Fat Mass and Obesity Associated gene, called FTO is thought to be linked to appetite and food intake. People with the A variant of the gene run a 40-60% higher risk of excess weight and obesity. It has also been shown that carriers of this gene variant can reduce the risk of excess weight by up to 30% through physical activity. Therefore, people with this gene variant can, with the help of proper diet and exercise, almost completely eliminate the genetically increased risk of obesity
The PPARG gene affects the metabolism of fats. People with the GG variant tend to have a lower BMI when their diet contains a higher proportion of monounsaturated fat - the ‘Mediterranean diet’. Individuals with this gene variant can actively reduce their BMI by changing their intake of fats by eating more monounsaturated fats.
The APOA5 gene is linked to the regulation of fats and storage of fat in fat cells and so has a role in the development of obesity. People with the CC variant of the APOA5 gene do not have a high BMI even if their diet contains a lot of fat . Those without the CC variant have a higher susceptibility to weight gain and risk of obesity.
The FABP2 gene encodes for a type of protein called Fatty Acid Binding Protein that affects the amount of fat in the blood. People with the rs1799883 variant may have an increased amount of triglycerides and LDL (bad cholesterol), as well as a reduced amount of HDL (good cholesterol) in their blood. They should consider replacing saturated and trans fats with unsaturated fats to improve their levels of blood lipids.
Your DNA sample is analysed in a laboratory and the result is 99.5% accurate.
A simple saliva sample is taken with the special cotton swab provided.
You will find the instructions on the tab surrounding the box. Open the tab on the side of the box on which are printed; “instructions open here”.
Simply remove the parts of the box containing the instructions and the display hook on top of the box by tearing along its perforated edges. To send your sample swab to our laboratory for testing, simply place the swab in the plastic packaging in the addressed envelope provided to return it to us prepaid.
Your test result can be downloaded from the Dynamic Code website ( using the unique code provided in the kit.
Yes, everything you need to take the test is included in the kit; instructions, swab, a return envelope and a unique code to get your result from the Dynamic Code website.
The test needs to be performed in our laboratory so please allow 7 to 10 days for this work to be completed

What Is is meant by 'Muscle Type'?

Muscle is made up of two types of fibres: slow twitch and fast twitch. Whereas slow twitch muscle fibres are very efficient and can work continuously for long periods, it is your fast twitch fibres that are responsible for generating the short, explosive bursts of power needed in sports such as sprinting and weight lifting. This is controlled by your genetic make-up
Information about your muscle properties provides you with the information to choose the sports to which you are best suited and to optimise your training by knowing how your muscles will react.
Our test is a DNA test that identifies if your carry the R or X allele of the ACTN 3 gene. If you have the R version you produce a lot of active Actinin 3 protein, whereas if you have the X allele you produce non-function Actinin 3 protein.
Your DNA sample is analysed in a laboratory and the result is 99.5% accurate.
If you are actively involved in a sport, knowing your muscle type will help you understand your body and optimise your training and motivation. If you are considering taking up a sport it will help you decide the type to which you are best suited.
A simple saliva sample is taken with the special cotton swab provided.
You will find the instructions on the tab surrounding the box. Open the tab on the side of the box on which are printed; “instructions open here”.
Simply remove the parts of the box containing the instructions and the display hook on top of the box by tearing along its perforated edges. To send your sample swab to our laboratory for testing, simply place the swab in the plastic packaging in the addressed envelope provided to return it to us prepaid.
Your test result can be downloaded from the Dynamic Code website ( using the unique code provided in the kit.
Yes, everything you need to take the test is included in the kit; instructions, swab, a return envelope and a unique code to get your result from the Dynamic Code website.

Advantages of self testing

  • 99.5% methodological accuracy
  • A quick answer
  • Analysis in our accredited laboratory
  • Completely anonymous

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