Heart Health Test
Home Blood Sampling Test to Check Cholesterol Imbalance
Test to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.
Heart Health Test
High cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke
The good news is that there is lots we can do to keep our cholesterol at a healthy level. Find out your cholesterol levels with our convenient home sample collection kit. Heart Health Test measures:
- Total Cholesterol
- HDL Cholesterol
- LDL Cholesterol
- Total Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol ratio
- Triglycerides
Why get tested?
Identifying cholesterol imbalance early will allow you to make appropriate diet and lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.
Anyone can have high cholesterol; high levels may be a result of your genetics or lifestyle and can often display no symptoms. For that reason, we recommend checking your cholesterol levels even if you are young, fit, and healthy.
Those with a family history of heart disease, who are overweight / obese, drink alcohol, smoke regularly, lead a sedentary lifestyle or have diabetes are at an increased risk and should get tested
How it works
- Collect your blood sample at home. Watch our instructional video
- Register your Unique Reference Number (URN) online here
- Return your sample to the lab for testing using the pre-paid envelope provided
- Results in 2 working days by password protected email
Your personalised report
Easy to interpret Heart Health report will provide a breakdown of your results, what they mean and next steps. Reports will be emailed to the email address provided at the time of registration.